Monday, April 21, 2014

Curious things to ponder:

1) what is in a name? Not like the whole Shakespeare name thing, but rather how did super get his name super man, why is batman batman? just because he likes black and bats? Hawk girl isn't really a hawk and a girl, just a girl with wings, and the Green Lantern isn't really a lantern he is a black man, what makes William Wallace so much more brave than any other brave man that he gets brave in his name? Was Abraham Lincoln the most honest man to ever live? Probably not, yet he is known as Honest Abe. Why am I constantly called Sweet Emaleigh and Sweet M. People don't even know that's what other people call me and that is what they call me. But why? What makes me sweeter than any other that I should be called and introduced as Sweet Emaleigh? Why am I described as sweet, kind, genuine, wide eyed, old fashion, something from a story book, a little hun, pure, innocent, and gullible?
2) Why does it pour when it rains?
3) Why does chocolate have to have so many calories?
4) Why do people worry about me so much? Given I have my fair share of medical problems but I am a big girl, I can take care of myself... Ok I am not a big girl, I am a very short girl whose feet can fit into kids shoes but I am an adult after all... I can look after myself.
5) Why is a damsel in distress so attractive to guys, and why do they want to be the knight in shining armor
 so badly?
6) Why don't I like avocados unless I am craving them, and then I prefer Florida avocados to the regular kind?
7) What makes a perfectly wonderful guy look at a normal girl and think that she must be some sort of pure angel, to be put on a pedestal? & that he needs her to make him a better person? I mean as endearing as that is, being way up there on a pedestal can be awfully lonely, not to mention sooner or later she is bound to fall... & then what?! No, it is much better to put her smack dab beside him, to work together, to grow, and build together.
8) Why can't it be true that if you eat the ice cream out of the container then it doesn't have any calories?
9) How can things be perfectly fine one moment and then horribly wrong the next?
10) Why do I dislike any candy that tastes artificial except for skittles?
11) How are you supposed to live life to the fullest if you have to slave away to afford living?
12) Why don't people say what they mean and mean what they say?
13) Why don't we tell people what they mean to us, how much we love them, while we still have them here with us?
14) Why is silence so deafening?
15) Why to we keep secrets?
16) Why is it so scary to tell someone how much they mean to us, how much we love them?
17) Why is it so hard to be happy?
18) Why is it so easy to fall in love but so hard to feel loved?
19) Why is it so hard to lose weight?
20) Why don't I just run away from all life stresses and troubles and find a find a nice little cottage by a pond some where in the middle of nowhere? Maybe with a weeping willow tree next to it....
21) How can you go by without seeing someone for months, and then they die and the world seems so empty without them?
22) What makes someone naive?
So many curious things to ponder... & the list just grows by the minute... & that ladies and gentlemen is the ramble

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