Saturday, April 5, 2014

Reuse, Regrow

I hate to throw things out, especially if they can be reused for something else. This does at times worry me that I may become a hoarder one day, but the fact that I also have an OCD personality then reassures me that I could not stand a dirty, cluttered house. Anyways that ramble and rant is for another day. Today is about gardening. The picture above is the latest addition to my already growing garden. Nifty trick that will save you a buck, when starting plants from seeds, instead of buying those horrible tray seedling planters and then having to ever so carefully get the seedling out when transferring them into their permanent home, plant them in egg shells. To keep the egg shells intact when cooking, just tap the top with a butter knife until it cracks and pull off the top bit. From there just put a little soil in the bottom, then your seeds, and then top it off with more soil and water. Because I usually start more than one plant from seeds at a time, I also make sure to mark mine so I know what is what. Today I planted Swiss Chard, Grape Tomatoes, Strawberries, and trying to grow some Blood Oranges from the seeds of some I ate (hopefully not modified to not reproduce and that will grow). Once the seedlings are big enough to replant all you do is plant the whole egg, plant and all into the pot or portion of your garden you have planned to plant it in. As the plant grows, the egg will decompose and simultaneously fertilize the plant. Additional bonus is that you don't start out growing your plant by fertilizing it with all those harsh chemical fertilizers! & that ladies and gentlemen is the ramble.

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