Friday, April 4, 2014

What would you do for your phone?

How much does your phone mean to you? What would you do to retrieve your phone? If you dropped your phone in the sewer, would you go down the sewer to get it back? That is what this girl did, and to make matters worse she got stuck going down and turns out her phone was broken anyway. Now I joke about my phone controlling my life, I have my entire schedule on it, all my friends and family's contact info (very little of which I actually have memorized), a ton of alarms to wake me up, remind me to leave or do something, and a app to do just about everything else. But at the end of the day, it is a phone. A material possession, made of plastic and metal and well I don't know what else, but everything is replaceable. Throughout my life though I have continually noticed people getting more and more attached to their phones, thinking of it as an extension of their body, and choosing to buy the latest phone with a huge data package and unlimited texting over using the same money for necessities like proper medical care, or healthy food for their family instead of fast food. So what is it about phones that makes it so essential to our lives that we would "die" without one. Not to mention does your 8 year old child really need the latest smartphone so they can be looking at who knows what and talking to complete strangers for all you know?! For centuries people lived without phones and survived. We can too. & that ladies and gentlemen is the ramble.

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