Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pineapple Shrimp Curry

What do you do when you have nothing to eat, no time or money (cause you are a broke college student and its finals week) and a bunch of random ingredients laying around the kitchen? You get creative and make the best out of being broke. So little heads up, I have no measurements for any of the ingredients because my dad starting teaching me how to cook at a young age and well I was being adventurous and creative... Measurements suffocate creativity haha! Anyways just eyeball the portions and add more or less depending on what you favor. Anyways here is the recipe, in a cast iron skillet saute thinly cut celery and carrots (ceramic knives are excellent for this task), onions and garlic. Let that cook down a bit before adding corn (frozen or canned is fine) and precooked shrimp (mine was frozen but fresh is ok too). Next add lemon juice, black pepper, salt, pineapple and any juice from the cutting board (cut into bite sized chunks), if you don't have any fresh pineapple you can use canned, but try to not get the syrupy kind. Let that cook down a bit, then add a generous amount of normal curry powder and again let it cook down until no longer watery and full cooked. I put it on top of a multi-grain rice that I got from a local Asian market and then topped it off with a handful of thinly cut green cabbage. The multi-grain rice adds a nice texture and the green cabbage adds a nice crisp crunch plus it makes it look kind of pretty.
This is the finished product, let me assure you its as good as it looks! & that ladies and gentlemen is the ramble.

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