Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Good Weather = Good Health

Warm weather in Atlanta today! Finally after what seems like months of cold, wet, dreary weather the sun has come out and it looks like to stay (this time)!  Have you ever noticed how your mood can change after you walk out of the house and the sun is shining, flowers blooming, and birds chirping? Everything seems good right? Or how when you wake up and look outside at the pouring rain and just know that its going to be a long, hard day. Well, in January the Huffington Post published this article The Surprising Ways The Weather Affects Your Health And Well-Being. In this article the author Carolyn Gregoire outlines 8 things to know about how the climate and weather changes can affect you mood, health, and over all well-being; they are:
1) Wintertime can bring you down
2) Extreme weather events contribute to mental health problems
3) Extreme weather can bring out our empathy
4) Day-to-day weather does affect your mood (if it's already a bad one)
5) Violent crime rises with the heat
6) Suicide incidences have been tied to seasonal factors
7) Warm climates have a lower risk of death
8) Temperate weather, happier people?

I know weather affects my mood, but can it really do all that? & that ladies and gentlemen is the ramble.

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